Monday, 22 September 2014

Its a Ramblef**k is what it is: Scratchbuilt Rapier Weapons Battery.

Dan Abnett made me say that. He really did (He's also back! I got hobby-antsy over the weekend so scratch built something.

I'd had a dry spell of decent new PC games to run alongside the hobbyage and in the last month I've revisited Civ 5, Simcity 5, Star Wars Republic Commando and Dragon Age Origins because the older ones just are better. Lacking focus. and having assembled everything in my 40k stuff box I felt like I needed an outlet. Picked up the iPad and saw the A-man is back. He used the colourfully indistinct phrase of 'cockwomble', this then lodged in my brain. 

Hence this; A Ramblef**k Legion Rapier Weapons Battery, (unpainted as yet).

Monday, 15 September 2014

More terrain in an hour or less; Sewer entrances.

I mean another bit of terrain in a single... Not more terrain in the same singular period but more pieces in successive...You know what I mean.

Some usable pieces for a oh-so distant cityfight board I'll one day own. Sewers!
Less so the 'stewing with faeces' kind and more the 'why don't we pop up and gun you down' kind.

To start, some relatively easy to find objects.Coffee pods. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

I'm a quibbler through and through; Rules

Sometimes, you just have to walk away, and cut your losses. Sometimes you just won't know every single rule, from every codex, through every connotation, and how you manage that un-knowledge can really define what kind of experience you get from the game.
We all have those moments of brow-furrowing when you think 'do I know that off by heart?' And that doubt can be a real pain in the ass, and I'll illustrate a few with my big dumb mug.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Terrain in an hour or less

It can be done. Admittedly you'll need some fast drying glue, and some good weather. Here are four bunkers/storm shelters/domiciles completed in under an hour.
Buying terrain is great. But I can justify an hour of my time to save some money.