Wow, the hypocrite in me really needs to relax.
I always follow the big BL types in their collective
bloggage and I’d been waiting for a new shiny something from Mr Abnett for some
time (Mostly because he’s yet to write something that I haven’t immensely
enjoyed but mainly because 9/10ths of all his posts have a tied-in competition
or prizes, free stuff!) and I’d noted that none had been posted for several
months. In my fan boy eagerness I sighed and jumped to this wretched collective
of thoughts and saw that I myself hadn’t contributed anything either since the
25th May. Wow.
Ok; excuses time. I had a very relaxing two
week holiday in Jamaica in May, during which I finally proposed to my long-time
girlfriend turned fiancĂ©, Lisa. Since then, as we’re (read she) isn’t keen on a
2013 wedding we’re organising one for this year, in six months time. That’s not
really a good enough excuse though is it.
Ok another, my birthday on June 10th prompted
plenty of family members to give me presents, I asked for games knowing that I’d
just splurged money on a ring and would be unlikely to afford much till
post-wedding. All that lovely gaming that I just couldn’t ignore...
Steam Sale? Parties? I was late? No? Fine,
This simply
reminds me by comparison that I don’t have a busy life, it simply isn’t packed
to the degree of deadline death like the BL boys and that actually anything
sideline to that is rather secondary to relatively all other concerns. Were I having
to satisfy anyone’s work commitments this might be a slightly different story.
Works in progress
update? Robbers Ruin is complete since last blogged, a nice little short for
those blackpowder boys out there and I’ve tried to rope in some Warhammer-periphery
types to test read for me further. I also am following Mr Abnetts advice and
just ploughing on with any and all forms of writing that appears. For now this
means Bloods Burden is going to be a novel. Well novel length. I’ve made the
damn synopsis, damn summary, and damn first three chapters so why not continue
to the full extent of what I can do and go for the full 100,000 words. ‘Get
some discipline in you boy!’
I hereby apologise
for not committing words to this blog for over a month and return to my work.
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